The Tangocamp blog is all about capturing the experience of being at the
Tangocamp. What is it like to be there? How does it look? How does it feel?
The activitiesSo much is going on at Tangocamp. There are of classes, milongas and performances but also dinner time, time to relax and time to enjoy the company of friends. And then there is the moments behind the curtain and on the road.
The peoplePeople are coming from all over the world to experience Tangocamp. Meet some of the interesting participants. Meet the teachers, the djs and the musicans.
The placesGreat locations and surroundings are a big part of any experience. The blog shows you all the grand ballrooms and the classrooms. We will show you the surroundings where we are staying and where we are hanging out. Maybe there will be time to do some excursions as well.
The storiesWith all the activities, people and the places stories are bound to happen. The Tangocamp blog should be the next best thing after actually being here. We wish that you would be with us.
Join the blog to experience all stories.
Have you been to Tangocamp before?
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