On Friday night the participants of Tangocamp Rome gathered by the pool for som drinks and snacks.
The organizers, Pino and Natalie welcomed everybody and all the teachers at the camp were introduced.
New and old friends met eachother. Here I noticed the first cultural difference, in Sweden most friends hug eachother but here in Italy the custom is to kiss oneanother once at each cheek.

A little while later the very first milonga started. Everyone was there. The grand ballroom at the hotel is huge but the dance floor still became really full.
One poor girl however missed the milonga because she just was supposed to "rest for 5 minutes" but instead she woke up at 2 AM. What a pity. So, the lesson is, don't try to sleep, just dance! ;)
How will you greet you friends when you meet them at Tangocamp. Kisses or hugs? Please comment.
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